Analysis of the Workforce Investment Act: Implications for Persons with Disabilities, Postsecondary Education and Life-long Learning Opportunities


  • Robert Jahier
  • Jennifer Graf



On July 1, 2000, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) took effect replacing the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA). The overall purpose of WIA is to create an integrated workforce participation and employment system that meets the needs of job seekers as well as the employment needs of the nation's employers. Regulations, policies and reports from Congress and the U.S. Department of Labor have made it clear that persons with disabilities are among those who are supposed to benefit from this restructuring. This recent passage of federal policy could lead to changes in the manner in which students with disabilities are supported in post secondary education and other life long opportunities leading to subsequent employment. This article will review the new policy and analyze specific components of the policy concerning persons with disabilities and postsecondary education and life long learning opportunities.




How to Cite

Jahier, R., & Graf, J. (2001). Analysis of the Workforce Investment Act: Implications for Persons with Disabilities, Postsecondary Education and Life-long Learning Opportunities. Disability Studies Quarterly, 21(1).