Disability Studies Quarterly
Spring 2003, Volume 23, No. 2
pages 223-238 <www.dsq-sds.org>
Copyright 2003 by the Society
for Disability Studies

A Partially Annotated Bibliography of Publications in the Field of Disability Studies for the Year 2001

Compiled by David Pfeiffer
Center on Disability Studies
University of Hawaii

This bibliography is only partially annotated because the volume of disability studies literature is becoming overwhelming. The increasingly larger number of publications each year is an indication of the progress of the field which is growing in breadth and depth as well as in number. These entries represent only a small part of the literature and are only a place to start.

I am very indebted to my colleagues in the field who gladly share publications in their areas of expertise. Without such sharing this bibliography and others would not be possible.

A similar bibliography, but for the year 2000, appeared in the Winter 2003 issue of Disability Studies Quarterly. Yet another similar one, but for the year 2002, will appear in the Summer 2003 issue.


Aasland, O.G. (2001) The physician role in transition: is Hippocrates sick? Social Science and Medicine, 52(2): 171 73.

Adams, Rachel. (2001) Sideshow U.S.A.: Freaks and the American Cultural Imagination. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Discusses various media (film, photography, literature, and other things) showing the significance of freak shows and its continual reinvention.

Albrecht, G.L. (2001) Rationing Health Care to Disabled People. Sociology of Health and Illness, 23(5): 654-77.

Albrecht, Gary L.; Seelman, Katherine D.; Bury, Michael (editors). (2001) Handbook of Disability Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Ali, Zoebia; Fazil, Qulsom; Bywaters, Paul; Wallace, Louise; Singh, Gurnam. (2001) Disability, Ethnicity and Childhood: a critical review of research. Disability and Society, 16(7): 949-68. A literature review of the good and bad experiences which non-white children with disabilities encounter.

Almon, P.A. (2001) Mass transportation operators' beliefs about visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 95(1): 5 13. Using the Beliefs About Blindness Score and some driver characteristics, the study examines the drivers' irrational beliefs about blindness.

Altman, Barbara M. (2001) Definitions of Disability and Their Operationalization and Measurement in Survey Data: An Update. Research in Social Science and Disability, Volume 2, Exploring Theories and Expanding Methodologies edited by Sharon N. Barnartt and Barbara M. Altman. New York: Elsevier Science Ltd., 77-100. Takes five definitions of disability - (1) chronic conditions and impairments, (2) functional limitations, (3) role limitations, (4) bed disability days, and (5) receiving disability benefits - and using the Household Survey Component of the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey shows that in the population 18-64 there are 43.7% of the population who meet at least one of these five definitions, i.e., is a person with a disability. The population 65 and over have (in some estimates) a 67% figure and in less that 18 (in some estimates) a 33% figure. In other words one can conclude that at least 40% of the US population is disabled.

Andrews, Lori B. (2001) Future Perfect: Confronting Decisions About Genetics. New York: Columbia University Press. Looks at the ethical, legal, and social implications of genetic technology including people with disabilities.

Angst, J.; Marneros, A. (2001) Bipolarity from Ancient to Modern Times: Conception, Birth, and Rebirth. Journal of Affective Disorders, 67(1): 3 19.

Arad, D.D.; Wozner, Y. (2001) The Use of the Shye's Systemic Quality Life Model in the Examination of Child Protection Officers Decision. Social Indicators Research, 56(1): 1 20.

Arnetz, B.B. (2001) Psychosocial challenges facing physicians of today. Social Science and Medicine, 52(2): 203 213.

Ashford, Jose B.; Sales, Bruce D.; Reid, William H. (editors). (2001) Treating Adult and Juvenile Offenders with Special Needs. Chicago: American Psychological Association.

Baker, Kristan; Donelly, Michelle. (2001) The Social Experiences of Children with Disability and the Influence of Environment: a framework for intervention. Disability and Society, 16(1): 71-86. The entire context or environment of a child with a disability must be considered before any intervention.

Bakker, N. (2001) A Harmless Disease: Children and Neurasthenia in the Netherlands. Clio Medica, 63: 309 28.

Banks, Pauline; Cogan, Nicola; Deeley, Susan; Hill, Malcolm; Riddell, Sheila; Tisdall, Kay. (2001) Seeing the Invisible Children and Young People Affected by Disability. Disability and Society, 16(6): 797-814. A literature review and a discussion of alternative conceptual frameworks.

Barasch, Moshe. (2001) Blindness: The History of a Mental Image in Western Thought. New York: Routledge. A history of the image of blindness up to the Renaissance.

Barnartt, Sharon; Scotch, Richard. (2001) Disability Protests: Contentious Politics, 1970-1999. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. Studies 30 years of rights protests by deaf persons and people with disabilities.

Bartlett, Peter. (2001) Legal Madness in the Nineteenth Century. Social History of Medicine, 14(1): 107 31.

Batavia, Andrew I. (2001) The Ethics of PAS: Morally Relevant Relationships Between Personal Assistance Services and Physician-Assisted Suicide. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 82(Supplement 2): S25-S31. The author cogently presents the argument that personal assistance services under the direction of the person receiving that assistance enhances the quality of life of that person and that they will be less likely to want to end their life. He then analyzes the position that poor access to PAS is a reason for denying a person physician assisted suicide. He goes on to discuss the use of severe functional limitations as a reason to provide physician assisted suicide. These last two arguments, he points out, are less accepted than the first one within the disability population. Physician assisted suicide is not only a contentious topic in the general population, but it is a specially pugnacious one within the disabled population and clearly a debate happening among the scholars in the field. For presenting this discussion in a clear light this article is important.

Batavia, Andrew I. (2001) A Right to Personal Assistance Services: `Most Integrated Setting Appropriate' Requirements and the Independent Living Model of Long-Term Care. American Journal of Law & Medicine, 27(1): 17-43. This article deals in a competent manner with the various ways of providing personal assistance for persons needing long-term care discussing the legal, the administrative, and the budgetary aspects of each. A major thrust of the article is the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and related court decisions. The author lays out quite well the requirements and the possible results of these requirements in terms of long-term care.

Batavia, Andrew I.; Schriner, Kay. (2001) The Americans with Disabilities Act as Engine of Social Change: Models of Disability and the Potential of a Civil Rights Approach. Policy Studies Journal, 29(4): 690-702. An extremely important topic among policy analysts who work on disability issues is whether the Americans with Disabilities Act is useful in bringing about social transformation. The authors discuss this issue and conclude that although all civil rights laws are necessary to prevent past and current discrimination, they alone will not produce the fundamental reform in society needed in order for persons with disabilities to reach their full potential. Now there must be mutual accommodation and a mutual responsibility and disability must been seen as one of many different human variations.

Birenbaum, A.; Cohen, H.J. (2001) University Affiliated Programs as Specialty Medical Providers and the Emerging Managed Care System. Mental Retardation, 39(3): 218 20.

Black Monsen, Rita. (2001) Children and Lead - A 20th Century Success Story? Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 16(6): 441 42.

Bond, G.R.; Resnick, S.G.; Drake, R.E.; Xie, H.; McHugo, G.J.; Rebout, R.R. (2001) Does competitive employment improve nonvocational outcomes for people with severe mental illness? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69(3): 489 501.

Book, Constance Ledoux; Ezell, David. (2001) Freedom of Speech and Institutional Control: Patient Publications at Central State Hospital 1934 1978. Georgia Historical Quarterly, 85(1): 106 26.
Boyce, William et al. (2001). A Seat at the Table: Persons with Disabilities and Policy Making. Toronto: McGill-Queen's University Press. Discusses Canadian politics and the activities of disability rights advocates and organizations.

Brady, S.M. (2001) Sterilization of Girls and Women With Intellectual Disabilities: Past and Present Justifications. Violence Against Women, 7(4): 432 61.

Bragg, Lois (editor). (2001) Deaf World: A Historical Reader and Primary Sourcebook. New York: New York University Press.

Brown, Bob. (2001) The Greens on Disability Issues. Access: The National Issues Journal for People with a Disability, 3(3, June, July): 3-6. A good exposition of what the Green Party in Australia says, but not too much on what it has and plans to do.

Brueggemann, Brenda Jo; White, Linda Feldmeier; Dunn, Patricia A.; Heifferon, Barbara A.; Cheu, Johnson. (2001) Becoming Visible: Lessons in Disability. CCC, 52(3): 368 98.

Bryan, Willie V. (2001) Sociopolitical Aspects of Disabilities. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publisher.

Buchanan, Allen; Brock, Dan; Daniels, Norman; Wikler, Daniel. (2001) From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Bucur, Maria. (2001) Eugenics and Modernization in Interwar Romania. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. Discusses how eugenics influenced Romanian concepts of national identity and public health law.

Capella, M.E. (2001) Vocational rehabilitation programs: Relationships among measures of effectiveness and state-to-state comparisons. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 25(1): 19-28.

Carlson, Elof Axel. (2001) The Unfit: A History of a Bad Idea. Cold Spring: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

Carlson, L. (2001) Cognitive Ableism and Disability Studies: Feminist Reflections on the History of Mental Retardation. Hypatia, 16(4): 124 46.

Case, Stephen. (2001) Learning to Partner, Disabling Conflict: early indications of an improving relationship between parents and professionals with regard to service provision for children with learning disabilities. Disability and Society, 16(6): 837-54. Professionals are beginning to provide information, acknowledge parental expertise, and encourage parental involvement, but much remains to be done.

Chouinard, Vera. (2001) Legal Peripheries: Struggles over DisAbled Canadians' Places in Law, Society, and Space. Canadian Geographer, 45(1): 187 92.

Cohen, Deborah. (2001) The War Come Home: Disabled Veterans in Britain and Germany, 1914 1939. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Cohen-Almagor, R. (2001) "Culture of Death" in the Netherlands: Dutch Perspectives. Issues in Law and Medicine, 17(2): 167 82.

Comeau, T.D.; Allahar, A.L. (2001) Forming Canada's Ethnoracial Identity: Psychiatry and the History of Immigration Practices. Identity, 1(2): 143 60.

Condrau, Flurin. (2001) `Who is the Captain of All These Men of Death': The Social Structure of a Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Postwar Germany. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 32(2): 243 62.

Conover, C.J.; Rankin, P.J.; Sloan, F.A. (2001) Effects of Tennessee Medicaid Managed Care on Obstetrical Care and Birth Outcomes. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 26(6): 1291 1324. The effects which Medicaid managed care has on care and outcomes of birth.

Copeland, I.C. (2001) Integration versus Segregation: The Early Struggle. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(1): 5 11.

Corker, M. (2001) Sensing Disability. Hypatia, 16(4): 34 52.

Crossley, M.L.; Crossley, N. (2001) 'Patient' voices, social movements and the habitus; how psychiatric survivors 'speak out'. Social Science and Medicine, 52(10): 1477 89.

D'Oronzio, J.C. (2001) A Human Right to Healthcare Access: Returning to the Origins of the Patients' Rights Movement. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 10(3): 285 98.

Daly, W.J.; Yee, R.D. (2001) The Eye Book of Master Peter of Spain: a glimpse of diagnosis and treatment of eye disease in the Middle Ages. Documenta Ophthalmologica, 103(2): 119 53.

David, M. (2001) Rubber Helmets: The Certain Pitfalls of Marshaling Security Council Resources to Combat AIDS in Africa. Human Rights Quarterly, 23(3): 560 82.

DeToledo, John C.; Palmerola, David; Lowe, Merredith R. (2001) Sexual Molestation and Psychogenic Seizures: The 1731 Trial of Marie Catherine Cadiere versus Father Jean-Baptiste Girard. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2(6): 601 602.

Dowbiggin, Ian. (2001) 'A Prey on Normal People': C. Killick Millard and the Euthanasia Movement in Great Britain, 1930 1955. Journal of Contemporary History, 36(1): 59 85.

Dowling, Monica; Dolan, Linda. (2001) Families with Children with Disabilities Inequalities and the Social Model. Disability and Society, 16(1): 21-36. It is not just children with disabilities who experience inequality, but the entire family.

Duvdevany, I. (2001) Parents of adult children with developmental disabilities: stress, social support and their views of normalization in relation to their attitudes toward their children's employment. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 24(3): 227 32.

Edelstein, T.M.; Glenwick, D.S. (2001) Direct-Care Workers' Attributions of Psychopathology in Adults With Mental Retardation. Mental Retardation, 39(5): 368 78.

Engle, K. (2001) From Skepticism to Embrace: Human Rights and the American Anthropological Association from 1947 1999. Human Rights Quarterly, 23(3): 536 59.

English, Peter C. (2001) Old Paint: A Medical History of Childhood Lead-Paint Poisoning in the United States to 1980. Rutgers: Rutgers University Press.

Evans, John H. (2001) Playing God? Human Genetic Engineering and the Rationalization of Public Bioethical Debate. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. The bioethical debate in public is thinned out and impoverished to the extent that it is wanting.

Eversley, Shelly. (2001) The Lunatic's Fancy and the Work of Art. American Literary History, 13(3): 445 468.

Failer, Judith Lynn. (2001) Who Qualifies for Rights? Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Civil Commitment. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Farrell, Peter. (2001) Special Education in the Last Twenty Years: Have Things Really Got Better? British Journal of Special Education, 28(1): 3 9.

Fitzgerald, Michael. (2001) Did Lord Byron Have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Journal of Medical Biography, 1(February): 31 33.

Fleischer, Doris Zames; Zames, Frieda. (2001) The Disability Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Forth, C.E. (2001) Neurasthenia and Manhood in fin-de-siecle France. Clio Medica, 63: 329 62.

Freeberg, Ernest. (2001) The Education of Laura Bridgman. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. A half century before Helen Keller, deaf and blind Bridgman was taught by Samuel Gridley Howe to communicate. Freeberg uses her story to discuss what it means to be human.

Frost, Lynda E.; Bonnie, Richard J. (2001) The Evolution of Mental Health Law. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association

Fujiura, Glen T. (2001) Emerging Issues in Disability Demographics. Population Today, 29: 9-10.

Gellately, Robert; Stoltfus, Nathan (editors. (2001) Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Essays discussing the excluded persons (including people with disabilities) during the rise of the Nazis in Germany.

Gijswijt-Hofstra, M. (2001) Introduction: Cultures of Neurasthenia from Beard to the First World War. Clio Medica, 63: 1 30.

Gijswijt-Hofstra, M. (2001) In Search of Dutch Neurasthenics from the 1880s to the early-1920s. Clio Medica, 63: 279 308.

Glover-Graf, N.M.; Janikowski, T.P. (2001) Career selection and use of accommodations by students with disabilities in rehabilitation education programs. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 44(4): 222 28.

Goins, R.T.; Hobbs, G. (2001) Distribution and Utilization of Home- and Community-Based Long-Term Care Services for the Elderly in North Carolina. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 12(3): 23 42.

Gonzalez, A.G. (2001) Darwinism, Eugenics, and Mendelism in Cuban Biological Education: 1900 1959. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 221: 153 170.

Good, G.A. (2001) Ethics in research with older, disabled individuals. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 24(3): 165 70.

Goodey, C.F. (2001) From natural disability to the moral man: Calvinism and the history of psychology. History of the Human Sciences, 14(3): 1 29.

Goodley, D.; Rapley, M. (2001) How Do You Understand "Learning Difficulties"? Towards a Social Theory of Impairment. Mental Retardation, 39(3): 229 32.

Grabois, E. (2001) Guide to Getting Reproductive Health Care Services for Women with Disabilities Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Sexuality and Disability, 19(3): 191 208.

Greenhalgh, Susan. (2001) Under the Medical Gaze: Facts and Fictions of Chronic Pain. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Guyatt, M. (2001) Better Legs: Artificial Limbs for British Veterans of the First World War. Journal of Design History, 14(4): 307 25.

Hansen, R.; King, D. (2001) Eugenic Ideas, Political Interests, and Policy Variance: Immigration and Sterilization Policy in Britain and the U.S. World Politics, 53(2): 237 63.

Hargraves, J.L.; Cunningham, P.J.; Hughes, R.G. (2001) Racial and Ethnic Differences in Access to Medical Care in Managed Care Plans. Health Services Research, 5: 853 68.

Hayashi, R.; Okuhira, M. (2001) The Disability Rights Movement in Japan: Past, Present and Future. Disability and Society, 16(6): 855 70.

Heppenheimer, T.A. (2001) Beyond the Hearing Aid. American Heritage of Invention and Technology, 17(2): 36 43.

Herk, R.; Klazinga, N.S.; Schepers, R.M.; Casparie, A.F. (2001) Medical audit: threat or opportunity for the medical profession; A comparative study of medical audit among medical specialists in general hospitals in the Netherlands and England, 1970-1999. Social Science and Medicine. 53(ER12): 1721 32.

Hershey, Laura. (2001) Academics in the Service of Activism: Scholars/Advocates Engage in Participatory Action Research. Disability World, 9(July/August), <www.disability.org>.

Heyer, Katharina. (2000) From Special Needs to Equal Rights: Japanese Disability Law. Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal, 1(1, February), <http://www.hawaii.edu/aplpj/pdfs/07-heyer.pdf>.

Heyns, C.; Viljoen, F. (2001) The Impact of the United Nations Human Rights Treaties on the Domestic Level. Human Rights Quarterly, 23(3): 483 535.

Hillyard, Daniel; Dombrink, John. (2001) Dying Right: The Death with Dignity Movement. New York: Routledge. An overview of the movement along with the ethical, legal, and medical complexities involved.

Hyndman, J.C.; Holman, C.D. (2001) Accessibility and spatial distribution of general practice services in an Australian city by levels of social disadvantage. Social Science and Medicine, 53(ER12): 1599 1609.
Iezzoni, Lisa I.; McCarthy, Ellen P.; Davis, Roger B.; et al. (2001) Use of Screening and Preventive Services Among Women with Disabilities. American Journal of Medical Quality, 16(4): 135-44. Women with non-mobility limitations use medical services as much a women without disabilities. Women with mobility limitations experience problems with receiving preventive care like pap smears and mammograms because of lack of access for things like tables. In addition physicians have very incorrect ideas of disabled women's sexuality.

Johnson, D.R. (2001) Nietzsche's Early Darwinism: The 'David Strauss' Essay of 1873. Nietzsche Studien, 30: 62 79.

Johnston, M.; Pollard, B. (2001) Consequences of disease: testing the WHO International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH) model. Social Science & Medicine, 53(10): 1261 73.

Jones, G. (2001) 'Captain of all these Men of Death': The History of Tuberculosis in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Ireland. Clio Medica, 62(entire special issue).

Jones, Lesley; Atkin, Karl; Ahmad, Waqar I.U. (2001) Supporting Asian Deaf Young People and their Families: the role of professionals and services. Disability and Society, 16(1): 51-70. Providers, by emphasizing oralism and Western values, further disabled young deaf Asian persons and make for an ambivalent relationship between the family and the Deaf community.

Kaufmann, D. (2001) Neurasthenia in Wilhelmine Germany: Culture, Sexuality, and the Demands of Nature. Clio Medica, 63: 161 76.

Keller, R. (2001) Madness and Colonization: Psychiatry in the British and French Empires. Journal of Social History, 35(2): 295-326.

Kent, A. (2001) States Monitoring States: The United States, Australia, and China's Human Rights, 1990-2001. Human Rights Quarterly, 23(3): 583 624.

Kim-Rupnow, Weol Soon. (2001) An Introduction to Korean Culture for Rehabilitation Service Providers. Buffalo: Center for International Rehabilitation Research Information & Exchange, University of Buffalo, The State University of New York. A good introduction to Korean culture with practice recommendations for rehabilitation counsellors.

Kleinhammer-Tramill, P.J.; Peters, J.T.; Fiore, T.A. (2001) The federal role in preparation of special education personnel: An historical perspective. Policy Perspectives, 2(3): 1-4.

Kliewer, C. & Fitzgerald, L.M. (2001) Disability, schooling, and the artifacts of colonialism. Teachers College Record, 103(3): 450 70. Scholars should favor excluding students with disabilities from regular classes.

Kline, Wendy. (2001) Building a Better Race: Gender, Sexuality, and Eugenics from the Turn of the Century to the Baby Boom. Berkeley: University of California Press. How eugenics was viewed as addressing moral disorder which was its basic appeal.

Knox, M.; Hickson, F. (2001) The meaning of close friendships: the views of four people with intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14: 276 91. The author did this research, and alot of other research, using participatory action research.

Koshy, S. (2001) American Nationhood as Eugenic Romance. Differences, 12(1): 50 78.

Krieg, Randall G. (2001) An Interdisciplinary Look at the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill. The Social Science Journal, 38(3): 367-80. The author analyzes deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill from the viewpoint of the community, family members, and taxpayers concluding that from all three viewpoints it is lacking and argues that someone must be responsible for the care of the most needy. [He assumes that "care" is what the "most needy" are in need of and he dismisses the rights of the individual.]

Kronebusch, K. (2001) Children's Medicaid Enrollment: The Impacts of Mandates, Welfare Reform, and Policy Delinking. Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law, 26(6): 1223 60. A discussion of how various Medicaid mandates affect the enrollment of children.

Ladd-Taylor, Molly. (2001) Eugenics, Sterilisation and Modern Marriage in the USA: The Strange Career of Paul Popenoe. Gender and History, 13(2): 298 327.

Leutz, W.N.; Capitman, J.; Green, C.A. (2001) A Limited Entitlement for Community Care: How Members Use Services. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 12(3): 43 64.

Lindemann, K. (2001) Persons with Adult-Onset Head Injury: A Crucial Resource for Feminist Philosophers. Hypatia, 16(4): 105 23.

Losen, D.J.; Welner, K.G. (2001) Disabling Discrimination in Our Public Schools: Comprehensive Legal Challenges to Inappropriate and Inadequate Special Education Services for Minority Children. Harvard Civil Rights Civil Liberties Law Review, 36(2): 407 60. The problem of poor special education services for minority children and what can be done.

Lugosi, C.I. (2001) Playing God: Mary Must Die So Jodie May Live Longer. Issues in Law and Medicine, 17(2): 123 66.

Lutz, T. (2001) Varieties of Medical Experience: Doctors and Patients, Psyche and Soma in America. Clio Medica, 63: 51 76.

Malhotra, Ravi. (2001) The Politics of the Disability Rights Movements. New Politics, 8(3, New Series): 65-75. A discussion of how the left has ignored the disability movement, but he is unaware of how the left is bigoted toward people with disabilities.

Mandelblatt, J.S.; Bierman, A.S.; Gold, K.; Zhang, Y.; Ng, J.H.; Maserejan, N.; Hwang, Y.T.; Meropol, N.J.; Silliman, R.A. (2001) Constructs of Burden of Illness in Older Patients with Breast Cancer: A Comparison of Measurement Methods. Health Services Research, 36(6): 1085 1108.

Marland, H. (2001) `Uterine Mischief': W.S. Playfair and his Neurasthenic Patients. Clio Medica, 63: 117 40.

Martin, E. Davis Jr. (2001) Significant Disability: Issues Facing People with Significant Disabilities from a Historical, Policy, Leadership, and Systems Perspective. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publisher. An overview from a historical and policy perspective of the issues which affect people with disabilities.
McPherson, K.M.; Brander, P.; Taylor, W.J.; McNaughton, H.K. (2001) Living with Arthritis - What Is Important? Disability and Rehabilitation, 23(16): 706-21. A good, strong argument for including the views of people with a disabling condition (in this case arthritis) in determining what is a good outcome of an intervention.

Metts, Robert L. (2001) The Fatal Flaw in Disability Adjusted Life Year. Disability & Society, 16(3): 449-52. The World Bank developed the Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) as a measure of the "burden" of disease and disability. However, it is meaningless and useless because the people who developed it assumed that the severity of a disability is the same in spite of personal and environment conditions.

Miles, M. (2001) Including disabled children in Indian schools, 1790s - 1890s. Paedagogica Historica, 37(2): 291 315.

Miles, M. (2001) Martin Luther and Childhood Disability in 16th Century Germany: What did he write? What did he say? Journal of Religion, Disability & Health, 5(4): 5 36.

Moore, C.L. (2001) Disparities in closure success rates for African Americans with mental retardation: An ex-post-facto research design. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 32(2): 31 36.

Morris, J. (2001) Impairment and Disability: Constructing an Ethics of Care That Promotes Human Rights. Hypatia, 16(4): 1 16.

Moss, Kathryn; Burris, Scott; Ullman, Michael; Johnson, Matthew; Swanson, Jeffrey. (2001) Unfunded Mandate: An Empirical Study of the Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The University of Kansas Law Review, 50(1): 1-110. An extensive analysis of the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and state fair employment practices agencies (FEPAs) and how they have handled ADA Title I complaints. The authors conclude that even though Congress gave the EEOC this important responsibility, it continually has failed to provide sufficient funds to adequately carry it out. They also recommend that people be able, if they wish, to go directly to court in a Title I suit instead of being required to exhaust their administrative remedies with the EEOC. This latter recommendation would greatly lessen the EEOC's case load, make more funding available for the remaining cases, and prevent the plaintiffs from enduring a long wait for resolution. It is an exhaustive study of the EEOC's process for resolution of complaints and contains extensive data and analysis of that data which is not to be found elsewhere.

Mulholland, S.J.; Wyss, U.P. (2001) Activities of daily living in non-Western cultures: range of motion requirements for hip and knee joint implants. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 24(3): 191 98.

Neugeboren, Jay. (2001) Transforming Madness: New Lives for People Living with Mental Illness. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Neve, M. (2001) Public Views of Neurasthenia: Britain, 1880 1930. Clio Medica, 63: 141 60.

Newacheck, P.W.; Hung, Y.Y.; Marchi, K.S.; Hughes, D.C.; Pitter, C.; Stoddard, J.J. (2001) The Impact of Managed Care on Children's Access, Satisfaction, Use, and Quality of Care. Health Services Research, 36(2): 315 334.

Nicki, A. (2001) The Abused Mind: Feminist Theory, Psychiatric Disability, and Trauma. Hypatia, 16(4): 80 104.

Nosek, M.A.; Foley, C.C.; Hughes, R.B.; Howland, C.A. (2001) Vulnerabilities for Abuse Among Women with Disabilities. Sexuality and Disability, 19(3): 177 90.

O'Brien, Ruth. (2001) Crippled Justice: The History of Modern Disability Policy in the Workplace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. History of US anti-discrimination laws for persons with disabilities in employment and the attitudes which still interfere with the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Orr, A.L.; Rogers, P. (2001) Development of Vision Rehabilitation Services for Older People who are Visually Impaired: A Historical Perspective. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 95(11): 669 89.

Oswald, D.P.; Coutinho, M.J.; Best, A.M.; Nguyen, N. (2001) Impact of Sociodemographic Characteristics on the Identification Rates of Minority Students as Having Mental Retardation. Mental Retardation, 39(5): 351 67. Certain characteristics influence the diagnosis of mental retardation in minority students.

Perske, R. (2001) The Troubling Interrogation of Travis Lee Wright. Mental Retardation, 39(3): 233 36.

Peterson, G.; Nelson, R. (2001) Predictors of competitive employment outcomes in public vocational rehabilitation. Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 25(1): 51 56.

Pfeiffer, David. (2001) `Disabled Lives': A Commentary. Ragged Edge, 5, 53-54. A negative critique of an article by Martha Nussbaum in the New York Review of Books on people with disabilities and the burden of care.

Pickering, Michael. (2001) Stereotyping: The Politics of Representation. New York: Palgrave. A critical analysis of the concept of stereotyping. May or may not include disability.

Polich, L. (2001) Education of the Deaf in Nicaragua. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 6(4): 315 26.

Polletta, F. (2001) This is What Democracy Looks Like: Direct Action Network (DAN). Social Policy, 31(4): 25 30.

Porter, R. (2001) Nervousness, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Style: From Luxury to Labour. Clio Medica, 63: 31 50.

Priestley, Mark (editor). (2001) Disability and the Life Course: Global Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. An exploration of the disability experience using the life course approach. The authors show how disability impacts differently at different stages of life using material from thirteen different countries.

Purcell, M. (2001) `A Lunatick of Unsound Mind': Edward, Lord Leigh (1742 86), and the Refounding of Oriel College Library. Bodleian Library Record, 17(3/4): 246 260.

Quartararo, Anne T. (2001) Treating Illness in the Nineteenth Century: The Work of Doctors Itard and Blanchet and the Medicalization of the French Deaf Population. Proceedings of the Western Society for French History, 27: 241 50.

Radkau, J. (2001) The Neurasthenic Experience in Imperial Germany: Expeditions into Patient Records and Side-looks upon General History. Clio Medica, 63: 199 218.

Riddell, Sheila; Baron, Stephen; Wilson, Alastair. (2001) The Learning Society and People with Learning Difficulties. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Rivera-Garza, Cristina. (2001) Dangerous Minds: Changing Psychiatric Views of the Mentally Ill in Porfirian Mexico, 1870 1911. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 56(1): 36 67.

Robertson, J.; Emerson, E.; Gregory, N.; Hatton, C.; Kessissoglou, S.; Hallam, A.; Linehan, C. (2001) Social Networks of People With Mental Retardation in Residential Settings. Mental Retardation, 39(3): 201 14.

Roelcke, V. (2001) Electrified Nerves, Degenerated Bodies: Medical Discourses on Neurasthenia in Germany, circa 1880 1914. Clio Medica, 63: 177 98.

Rousso, Harilyn; Wehmeyer, Michael L. (editors). (2001) Double Jeopardy: Addressing Gender Equity in Special Education. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Discusses how girls and young women are subject to discrimination based on disability and on gender.

Russell, Marta. (2001) The New Reserve Army of Labor?
Review of Radical Political Economics, 33(2): 224-34.

Russell, Marta. (2001) Disablement, Oppression, and the Political Economy. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 12(2):
87 95.

Russell, Marta. (2001) The Political Economy of Disablement.

Real World Micro, ninth edition, edited by Marc Breslow, Ellen Frank, Cynthia Peters, and the Dollars & Sense Collective; Cambridge: Economic Affairs Bureau, Inc., 94-97. A chapter in an economics textbook.

Safran, S.P. (2001) Movie Images of Disability and War: Framing History and Political Ideology. Remedial and Special Education, 22(4): 223 32.

Schilder, A.J.; Kennedy, C.; Goldstone, I.L.; Ogden, R.D.; Hogg, R.S.; O'Shaughnessy, M.V. (2001) `Being dealt with as a whole person.' Care seeking and adherence: the benefits of culturally competent care. Social Science and Medicine, 52(11): 1643 59.

Schmiedebach, H.P. (2001) The Public's View of Neurasthenia in Germany: Looking for a New Rhythm of Life. Clio Medica, 63: 219 38.

Schopp, Robert F. (2001) Competence, Condemnation, and Commitment: An Integrated Theory of Mental Health Law. Chicago: American Psychological Association. Discusses various topics, but most importantly the conflict between involuntary commitment and the right to refuse treatment.

Schriempf, A. (2001) (Re)fusing the Amputated Body: An Interactionist Bridge for Feminism and Disability. Hypatia, 16(4): 53 79.

Schriner, K.; Ochs, L. (2001) Creating the disabled citizen: How Massachusetts disenfranchised people under guardianship. Ohio State Law Journal, 62(1): 481 533.

Scotch, Richard. (2001) From Good Will to Civil Rights: Transforming Federal Disability Policy. Second edition; Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Same as the first edition except for an epilogue at the end.

Sengoopta, C. (2001) `A Mob of Incoherent Symptoms'? Neurasthenia in British Medical Discourse, 1860 1920. Clio Medica, 63: 97 116.

Shamdasani, S. (2001) Claire, Lise, Jean, Nadia, and Gisele: Preliminary Notes towards a Characterisation of Pierre Janet's Psychasthenia. Clio Medica, 63: 363 86.

Siebers, Tobin. (2001) Disability in Theory: From Social Constructionism to the New Realism of the Body. American Literary History, 13(4): 737 54.

Skar, Lisa; Tam, Maare. (2001) My Assistant and I: disabled children's and adolescents' roles and relationships to their assistants. Disability and Society, 16(7): 917-32. How children with mobility disabilities relate to their personal assistants.

Slijkhuis, J. (2001) Neurasthenia as Pandora's Box? `Zenuwachtigheid' and Dutch Psychiatry around 1900. Clio Medica, 63: 257 78.

Smith, J.D.; Mitchell, A.L. (2001) Disney's Tarzan, Edgar Rice Burroughs' Eugenics, and Visions of Utopian Perfection. Mental Retardation, 39(3): 221 225.

Smith, J.D.; Mitchell, A.L. (2001) Sacrifices for the Miracle: The Polio Vaccine Research and Children with Mental Retardation. Mental Retardation, 39(5): 405 409.

Smith, J.D.E.; Calandrillo, S.P. (2001) Forward to Fundamental Alteration: Addressing ADA Title II Integration Lawsuits after Olmstead v. L.C. Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 24(3): 695 770.

Smout, S.; Koudstaal, .P.J; Ribbers, G.M.; Janssen, W.G.M.; Passchier, J. (2001) Struck by stroke: A pilot study exploring quality of life and coping patterns in younger patients and spouses. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 24(4): 261 68.

Sorlie, T.; Sexton, H.C.; Busund, R.; Sorlie, D. (2001) A Global Measure of Physical Functioning: Psychometric Properties. Health Services Research, 36(6): 1109 1124.

Spector, Rachel. (2001) Is there racial bias in clinicians' perceptions of the dangerousness of psychiatric patients? A review of the literature. Journal of Mental Health, 10(1): 5-15.

Stainton, Tim. (2001) Reason and Value: The Thought of Plato and Aristotle and the Construction of Intellectual Disability. Mental Retardation, 39(6): 452 60.

Stark, S. (2001) Creating Disability in the Home: the role of environmental barriers in the United States. Disability and Society, 16(1): 37-50. Over two dozen different types of barriers were identified in homes which cause and/or make worse disabilities experienced by people including children.

Stefan, Susan. (2001) Unequal Rights: Discrimination Against People with Mental Disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Stefan, Susan. (2001) Hollow Promises: Employment Discrimination Against People with Mental Disabilities. Chicago: American Psychological Association. Analyzes why the Americans with Disabilities Act is not helpful for persons with mental disabilities in fighting employment discrimination.

Tang, Kwok Cho; Cammell, Paul; Tobin, Margaret; Choucair, Sam; Quan, Ted; Chen, Lucy. (2001) Factors affecting quality of mental health care to people speaking a language other than English in Sydney. Journal of Mental Health, 10(1): 87-97.

Thomas, Gary; Loxley, Andrew. (2001) Deconstructing Special Education and Constructing Inclusion. Buckingham: Open University Press. Analyzes the jumbled theoretical basis of special education and its poor influence on current practice.

Thomson, M. (2001) Neurasthenia in Britain: An Overview. Clio Medica, 63: 77 96.

Trotter, R. T. II, Ustun, B., Chatterji, S., Rehm, J., Room, R., & Bickenbach, J. (2001) Cross cultural applicability research on disablement: Models and Methods for revision of an international classification. Human Organization, 60(1): 13 27.

U.S. General Accounting Office. (2001) SSA Disability: Other Programs May Provide Lessons for Improving Return-to-Work Efforts GAO-01-153, January 12. Washington, D.C.: Author. The Social Security Administration will have to make basic changes in its underlying philosophy in order to adopt a comprehensive return-to-work strategy which will work.

U.S. Government Accounting Office. (2001) Student Discipline: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act GAO-01-210, January 25. Washington, D.C.: Author. In spite of complaints about the IDEA and its implementing regulations as to how it limits the disciplining of students with disabilities, the GAO found that the problems (if any) came from local policy.

Ustun, T.B.; Chatterji, S.; Bickenbach, J.E.; Trotter II, R.T.; Room, R.; Rehm, J.; Saxena, S. (editors). (2001) Disability and Culture: Universalism and Diversity. Seattle: Hogrefe & Huber.
Vijselaar, J. (2001) Neurasthenia in the Netherlands. Clio Medica, 63: 239 56.

Waller, J.C. (2001) Ideas of Heredity, Reproduction, and Eugenics in Britain, 1800 1875. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Biological and Biomedical Sciences. 32(3): 457 89.

Walmsley, Jan. (2001) Normalization, Emancipatory Research and Inclusive Research in Learning Disability. Disability and Society, 16(2): 187 205.

Walter, L.J.; Nosek, M.A.; Langdon, K. (2001) Understanding of Sexuality and Reproductive Health Among Women With and Without Physical Disabilities. Sexuality and Disability, 19(3): 167 76.

Waters, K.M.; Johanson, J.C. (2001) Awareness and perceived impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act among human resources professionals in three Minnesota cities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 12(1): 47 54.

Wendell, S. (2001) Unhealthy Disabled: Treating Chronic Illnesses as Disabilities. Hypatia, 16(4): 17 33.

Westwood, L. (2001) A Quiet Revolution in Brighton: Dr. Helen Boyle's Pioneering Approach to Mental Health Care, 1899 1939. Social History of Medicine, 14(3): 439 57.

Wickham, P. (2001) Images of Idiocy in Puritan New England. Mental Retardation, 39(2): 147 151.

Wickham, P. (2001) Idiocy and the Law in Colonial New England. Mental Retardation, 39(2): 104 113.

Wilcox, Phyllis Perrin. (2001) Metaphor in American Sign Language. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. Discusses the differences in ASL between metaphors and icons.

Y Lopez-Guazo, L.S. (2001) The Mexican Eugenics Society: Racial Selection and Improvement. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 221: 143 152.