After Stephen Kuusisto, Planet of the Blind

In the shaft within
    a refracted lens
the sliver of the vase
    through which we peer
unravels an experience
sight, sound, and smell
 appear and disappear

in this scene
 the senses
with fragrances of musk -
a lithograph
  of wandering figures
roaming toward
the evanescence
   of dusk

  gauzy visions
time's swift pass
its painted streets a blur
   of splattered hues
into whose whispers
     visitors trespass
the observer waiting,
     a silent muse

such momentary
  offer hence
the emergent
   of existence

After Aimi Hamraie, Building Access: Universal Design and the Politics of Disability

Cracked bits
from the seams
 of the street
the curb
  seared into
an earthen ground:
  in the crevice
where the self
    and world meet
the voices
     of the disabled

in the beginning
there was
diverse forms bespoke
  Universal truths
and shaped a
in harmony
   with crips and
as with age and

yet post-paradise
   of crip
       into being
of a kaleidoscope
            of subversion
of normate templates

in breaking the
we create
can we
      it is
    too late?

After Meryl Alper, Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality

In our tangled
        what is a
     is it
       a word,
          an utterance,
          a say -
      a means of expression,
          a gift of choice -
     a message heard,
    a meaning to convey?

     who navigate
      an amorphous
     the space
     and voicelessness
          the fissures amid
               the said
                and unsaid
        in which
     our machines
           yet transgress

    the voice
        from inner chambers
       the self
      from infinite depths
    as our tools form
  artificial layers
       enjoined yet
          from our
            of breath

       Even as a pathway
         toward voice
          we seek
        how can we
            what it means
        to speak?

After Christa Teston, "Rhetoric, Precarity, and mHealth Technologies"

   As the virtual
          into the
         our corporeal
          are in peril:
      as structures
          of precarity
    voice is stifled
      as systems
           go viral

the bodily states
            of the
       are elided
        in the
          of progress
              digital wearables
      of health
                 and well-being
                 for one,
                    for all

     in the gaps
            of what
            be surveilled
       our tools silence
         our sensory
       where meaning
                 is hidden
            beneath a veil
            which those in power
     rarely acknowledge

          in the chasm
           twixt poverty
             and wealth
             how can beings
                   to health?


    and disability
       intertwine within
    our fragmented selves
 ever unfolding
          toward reality
   as morphing forms
          into lived spaces

      the threshold
    that separates
               self and
       upon collision
                of barriers
       as fluid bodyminds
               emerge unfurled
         from the chasms of
                      built exteriors

       yet tensions
           upon collision
           as alterities resist
                stable forms
                 coalitions united
                           in vision
                    seeming harmonies
                                to transform

   though limiting
               seem to be
                    disabled selves
                 to be free


    It is
     strangeness, a
             of thought
      that steals into
             the corners
                 of the mind
              of what we seek,
              of what we sought
             a liberation
                        from the force
                            that binds

         expanding past
            the limits
             that constrain
     the stimming lurches
                    us forward,
      then back
         as we cycle through
              circular terrains
               what we lack

          our maps
           show what
          may been seen
                by the eye
             a fraught tapestry
                into which
                  we delve
                the Other emerging,
           distanced from "I"
        we encounter
                the strangeness
                      in ourselves

    what separates
               the self
           and the Other
            as in wandering,
          we become

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